Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hebrews 13:20-21

May God, who puts all things together, makes all things whole...ho led Jesus, our Great Shepherd, up and alive from the dead, now put you together, provide you with everythin you need to please means of sacrifice of Jesus, the Messsiah. All glory to Jesus forever and always! What a GOD.


Steven Plummer said...

Hey sis!

I hope God fills your heart with joy, love and all the hope in the world!!


Kristi Joy said...

Nossa Rosie! Amei essa primeira foto da Victoria! Lindo d+!!! Who's your photographer?!


Anonymous said...

they are growing up TOOOO fast!!!

tão muito lindos! lindos mesmo!



Anonymous said...

e vc tá gatiiiiiiiiiinha hein????

ui ui ui!!! altos bikines uiuiuiui!!


Michelle said...

Hey Rosie! Lindas fotos! Quero seu email...manda pra mim? tambem, o da Kristi...quando vc tiver um tempinho...